Stress. It’s a natural reaction that we all have and that you probably experience in some form or another in your daily life.
In this workshop we provide tools to help you understand and deal with it.
“Hearing others talking about their stress made me realise I am not alone in what I am feeling.”
- Jenny (participant)
We are currently offering this workshop through two platforms: X and Career and Counselling services at TU Delft. The workshop format is the same for both, but the location and sign-up service will vary.
You can find our workshops on the left side of the Career and Counselling page, under "Study Climate: hii"
The workshop schedule for Q4 will be announced soon!
Go to sign-up pageYou can sign up for our workshops at X two weeks or less in advance. Also available for non-X members.
The workshop schedule for Q4 will be announced soon!
If you for some reason are experiencing issues signing up, send an email to, and we will find a way to let you join. :)